The History
July 26, 1918
“…the 167th Alabama assisted by the left flank of the 168th Iowa had stormed and captured the Croix Rouge Farm in a manner which for its gallantry I do not believe has been surpassed in military history. It was one of the few occasions on which the bayonet was decisively used.”
– Douglas MacArthur
Revisit the

Centennial Commemoration
on July 28, 2018
The Sculpture
“In the Rainbow Division memorial, my original idea was to portray the powerful bond between men on active service with a soldier carrying his dead comrade… I am not a religious man, but working on this sculpture I felt a strong spiritual guidance.”
– James Butler, Sculptor
Hear the Story
Nimrod T. Frazer recounts the story of the 167th Infantry Regiment of the Rainbow Division from their recruitment to their valiant service on the fields of eastern France in the final months of World War I.
Click to view the Montgomery, Alabama proclamation celebrating Nimrod T. Frazer »